To make ( a solution or mixture) less dilute. The concentrated solution withdrawn from the evaporator is known as the thick liquor. 浓缩浓缩(溶液或混合物)从蒸发器中排出的浓缩溶液,称为稠液。
The concentrated solution withdrawn from the evaporator is known as the thick liquor. 从蒸发器中排出的浓缩溶液,称为稠液。
At the beginning the high concentrated wastewater is conducted into the tri-effect evaporator for desalination, and then mixed with the low concentrated wastewater for biological treatment by A/ O contact oxidation. 高浓度废水先进入三效蒸发器进行脱盐处理后,再与低浓度废水、轻污染生产废水一起进入A/O工艺进行生化处理。介绍了各处理构筑物、运行参数及经济技术指标。
The method that alcohol waste is concentrated in falling film plate evaporator, is proved to be successful in practice. 用板式降膜蒸发器蒸发浓缩酒精废液的方法;经生产实践证明,已取得初步成功。
The supernatant by ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis combination process, the sewage of salt further concentration, concentration of water by electrodialysis concentrated continue again, enter the MVR evaporator for evaporation crystallization. 清液利用超滤、纳滤和反渗透的组合工艺,把污水的盐分进一步浓缩,浓水继续通过电渗析再次浓缩后,进入MVR蒸发器进行蒸发结晶。